Our Family Farms

Legislative Update

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Legislative Update

Make Monsanto and Scotts Pay
Don’t let Scotts walk away scott free again like they are in Malheur county after their Genetically Engineered (GE) bent grass escaped and harmed both farmers and the county. Why should farmers and the county taxpayers have to pay for patent holder's negligence and faulty products when they escape and contaminate farmers’ fields and public waterways?

HB 2739-1 (dash-1) is a bill to protect from the financial losses due to contamination from GE crops by holding the patent holders financially responsible for the damages they cause to others. Oregon has no rules or regulations to protect us from unwanted GE contamination.

Take action now and tell our elected officials to support HB 2739-1 (dash-1) before the session comes to a close.

Write your Oregon state representative and state senator today letting them know you want them to support HB 2739-1 (dash-1). 



Josephine County Legislative Update
Sadly we are at an impasse in Salem regarding the unjust situation of not upholding the Josephine county GE plant ordinance that was passed in 2014. Southern Oregon senators need to show support for correcting this social injustice the was done to the voters of Josephine county.

Please contact your Southern Oregon senator listed below and let him know that his constituents want a GMO free Rogue Valley. Voters in both Jackson and Josephine counties overwhelmingly passed ballot measures on the same day to protect their farmers from GE contamination. Jackson county’s ordinance is now in effect. Josephine county’s ordinance is pending a legislative fix because of language in SB 863. The will of the voters should stand.

Senator Herman E. Baertschiger Jr.
[email protected]

Senator Alan DeBoer                                       
[email protected]