Our Family Farms

Make a Call to Stop the TPP

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Make a Call to Stop the TPP

Last week, Center for Food Safety and many other organizations organized a national call-in day against the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).  If you missed it, you can still call your members of Congress!

Calling your legislators is quick and easy and it REALLY makes a difference. The offices keep a log of calls and track the overall numbers. Call 888-894-1033, and then enter your zip code to be connected to the appropriate Senator or Representative.


If passed, the TPP could grant a long list of powers to national and international corporations.  For instance, private corporations could set food standards across the country, and could even sue national governments over rules that companies believe inhibit their profit-making ability. Already, several members of the U.S. congress on both sides of the aisle have expressed concerns over seafood safety hazards from TPP member nations. 

Even worse - any U.S. food safety rules on GMOs, labeling, pesticides, animal drugs, and seafood or food additives that are higher than international standards could be subject to challenge as "illegal trade barriers."  Local crop bans on genetically-engineered crops could be at risk. 

Please call 888-894-1033 to be connected to your Senator and Representative, and urge your friends and family to do the same.  Here is a short script to follow:

“I urge you to publicly oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The TPP will offshore millions of American jobs, expose the U.S. to imports of unsafe food, and empower corporations to attack hard-fought U.S. environmental and health safeguards. I urge you to VOTE NO on the TPP and encourage other Senators to do the same."

By working together, we will make sure the TPP does not pass during the lame duck session of Congress!

Click here for more information on how the TPP could affect food safety and public health for all Americans.