Join Our Family Farms and Oregonians for Safe Farms and Families at a local Town Hall with State Reps. Duane Stark and Sal Esquivel
Wednesday, January 25th at 6pm
Eagle Point City Hall, 17 S. Buchanan Avenue in Eagle Point
We are urging our representatives to support HB 2469 which would once again allow counties the ability and right to enact laws regarding Genetically Engineered crops. These rights were stripped in the 2013 special session with the passage of SB 863 in the Grand Bargain.
The passing of this bill will provide a legislative fix for Josephine County and protect the will of the people in the county. When that is in place, together Josephine and Jackson County can protect their farmers and this unique seed growing region with more than 3300 square miles of a GE Free Seed Sanctuary!
The Legislature needs to act to:
- Restore the ability of local farmers to address their diverse agricultural needs at a community level.
- Allow farmers to determine what will work best in their agricultural communities, such as creating GE-free zones or other solutions.
- Allow communities throughout Oregon to protect high-value agricultural crops, such as wheat, alfalfa, and specialty seed.
Please show up in support of the 9th GMO FREE ZONE in the US and let these representatives know that we care about this issue and our farmers in the region.