Thanks to all who took the time to email and call into Salem. Your efforts paid off!
SB 1037, the GE local control bill, was scheduled for a Hearing and possible Work Session on Wednesday, April 12th at 3pm.
Please join us at the hearing and show your support! Your presence and voice truly makes an impact. If you are able to come to the hearing, please rsvp to Elise Higley by email or call 541-200-9972.
SB 1037 would restore counties' rights to protect local farmers' crops from harmful effects of genetically engineered crops. These rights were stripped in the 2013 special session with the passage of SB 863 in the Grand Bargain, which created a statewide preemption without corresponding protections for farmers.
Passage of the bill will provide a legislative fix for Josephine County and protect the GE crop ban passed in 2014 and the will of the people in that county. When that is in place, together Josephine and Jackson County can protect their farmers and this unique seed growing region with more than 3300 square miles of a GE Free Seed Sanctuary!
Please show up in support of the 9th GE FREE ZONE in the US and let these representatives know that you care about the traditional seed supply in Oregon by contacting the Environment and Natural Resources Senate Committee members.
HB 2739, the bill the holds GE patent holders (i.e. Monsanto and friends) liable for their damages, is scheduled for a Work Session on April 18th. The meeting will be pubic, but no public comments will be taken at the work session. Until then, please pass on the message to your friends and family to ask their legislators to support this bill. If you haven't had a chance to take action yet, please do so now by contacting judiciary committee members.