Our Family Farms

Tell the President: Veto the Dark Act

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Tell the President: Veto the Dark Act

Sign the petition.

This We The People petition needs 100,000 signatures by August 8, 2016 to get a response from the White House.

Add your name and then check your email to confirm your signature!

On July 7, the Senate passed a bill to label genetically modified foods allowing companies to use QR codes instead of words on the package. It discriminates against low income families, minorities, mothers, seniors, the disabled & those without smartphones.

As a presidential candidate in 2007, Obama promised to label GMOs: "Here's what I'll do as president... We'll let folks know whether their food has been genetically modified, because Americans should know what they're buying." Yet, 8 years later, our elected Senators and House Representatives are bowing to the agrichemical corporations and Big Food by passing legislation to preempt Vermont's GMO labeling law, outlawing states from passing GMO labeling laws in the future, and letting the corporations sidestep the kind of disclosure that an overwhelming majority of Americans have been demanding. This is unacceptable. Demand that President Obama veto S.764.

ALL Americans should know what they're buying, not just the privileged.

Only 21% of Americans surveyed have scanned QR codes; QR code software must be downloaded. Just 27% of seniors & 50% of low income Americans own smartphones. 42% of Blacks & 36% of Latinos have had to let their smartphone service lapse. President Obama: Stand up for ALL Americans. Veto this discriminatory bill.