GE-Free Food for Thought
by guest columnists Kenda Swartz Pepper & Kristina Lefever
Celebration. This was the collective frame of mind on the evening of May 20, 2016. Pioneer Hall in Ashland, Oregon was brimming with fresh, delicious food and good spirits - drink and people alike.
Our Family Farms Executive Director Elise Higley lit up the room with her poetic words of gratitude and expression of the important work of this group of activists, “Seeds and pollinators know no borders and neither do our supporters of Our Family Farms.”
Dr. Ray Seidler, Betty LaDuke, and Leno Rose-Avila spoke with clarity and eloquence imparting the wisdom of how art, community, and purpose culminated in this one most important word for GE-Free Jackson County, victory. Tonight’s festivities were a testimony to how integrity, passion, and people can join together to make the world a better place. Congratulations to all who toiled with such great effort, because your hard work and perseverance paid off not only for those who live in Jackson County now, but for many generations to come.
Margaret Mead was spot on when she said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
We invite YOU to join our party - please become a member of Our Family Farms today! Your support means we will continue to work with legislators in Salem and Washington, DC, and help other counties in Oregon obtain the opportunity to end the growing of genetically engineered crops.
And, we hope you will put our May 20 celebration on your calendar for next year.
Happy Anniversary, Jackson County!